Friday, January 16, 2009

Some Pics for y'all

Ask and you shall receive. Here is is, me, dressed from head to toe as a Masai. Wouldn't you pay at least one goat for me?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fire Update

For those of you that were a weeeee bit worried, the break fire was successful. Crisis averted, adventure recorded.

Bees, Lions, and a Wildfire-- all in one night!

Tonight started out calm enough, with my host and I planning to do the usual, a veggie stir-fry and old episodes of some TV show. Then Gene the Machine reminded us that it was time to harvest the honey again, from the angry hive, the one that was the source of our swarm during failed honey harvest attempt #1. The bees proved to be no less angry in the dark and started to swarn again. However, unlike me, Gene the Machine was undeterred and proceeded to harvest about 15 pounds of honey. While this was going on, mind you it's pitch black, a male lion started to roar, too close for our liking. This continued, but my host felt safe because no lion is going to attack someone who has a swarm of bees around him, the logic went. Good thinking. All the while, a wildfire was quietly brewing on the hill, and as I type my host and Gene have gon in the land rover to figure out if the fire is something we need to "worry" about. I will admit, I'm a little worried about that wildfire. The whole hill is glowing, and I'm no southern Cali girl -- we don't have wildfires in upstate!

Update - host is starting a break fire to stop the first from burning the house. Oy.

Even the Maasai think I am frumpy

So I'm no fashionista, this much I know, but apparently my lack of attention to detail in the looks department is offensive across cultures. Yesterday, during the Ulysses like journey we took from the south west edge of Serengeti to the north, complete with a number of bizarre stops, occasional passengers, and roads that really don't deserve to be called roads, one of our stops included a visit to a local school. The details aren't important, but basically my host was representing an organization supporting this school. As a gesture of appreciation the parents of this school gave a gift to this organization, which apparently requires a gift giving ceremony. Of course everything is happening in Swahili, so I just observe, and I was getting a big kick out of the school officials dressing my host like a traditional Maasai clothing. I am giggling and taking pictures when all of the sudden I was ambushed! It started with a beaded necklace, which I thought was sweet, and it escalated into a full outfit for me too! Complete with head gear, a dress, a belt and several large necklaces. Then I was thrown into the picture too. The best part was that after I was all dressed someone said, doesn't she look good, and a Maasai man replied: "Well, better than before". Thank you very much. My bride price in Maasai land probably isn't even worth a measly goat.

Friday, January 9, 2009

OK, Picasa is annoying me

So I couldn't get many images uploaded, but here is a link to a few photos. Beware, the images are disturbing. I'm serious.

pictures here

Jiggy is feeling a little under the weather....

Sorry fans. I tried to post a picture, but it didn't work. Maybe if I feel up to it later I will try to make a picassa album. Jiggy seems to have eaten some dirty lettuce last night and is paying for it today. Boo.